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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Boring blog posts can be good for business

This post from Jason Falls at Social Media Explorer features a straightforward case study about how a corporate blog for Aprilaire, a company that makes home humidifier equipment, increased traffic to the site by 1,000 percent! The most interesting thing about the blog's success is the true boring-ness of the content (sorry Aprilaire!). It looks like this:

The blog is just a Q&A between customers and Aprilaire customer service.  However boring it may to me, it's not boring at all to potential customers. It's actually a pretty brilliant strategy to attract potential customers who are considering home humidifiers and are searching Google with keywords and questions. Falls says that the analytics reflect this, with 80% of new visitors finding the site through searches. Barely any comments on the posts, no huge amount of dialog and followers, but is it generating Web site traffic? Definitely.

Cool illustration that boring content can work if the keywords are right.  The tougher part: knowing what keywords customers are using to search for your product.

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